Secondary Section


Teaching is an art. A student learn by thinking, feeling, doing & seeing. The old traditional method of teaching with black board & chalk has been supplemented with multifaceted methods of teaching involving multi sensory approach to learning. Audio visual aids facilitate learning process by stimulating learning through various senses.Researchers say that 85 percent of our learning is absorbed chiefly through visual & auditory sense organs. Audio visual aids not only stimulate learning, out reduce the boredom of verbalism, offering a variety of experiences showing various processes not possible to witness physically.

A biology student cannot sit patiently waiting to watch the germination of a seed or a bud while it opens. A physics student cannot see what goes inside a nuclear reactor or a combustion engine. It is then that our teacher substitute for reality photographs models, recordings film or smart board. It not only contributes to the depth and variety of learning but makes learning improving permanent and effective through the new technology.

Key Club Activities

The mind once enlightened cannot again become dark.